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    Seafood importance

    Seafood holds significant importance for various reasons: Source of Protein: Seafood is a valuable source of protein, often with lower levels of saturated fats compared to meat. It provides a […] More

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    The blue economy

    The concept of the Blue Economy refers to the sustainable use and management of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and ocean ecosystem health. It integrates the principles of […] More

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    Improving truck industry

    Improving truck commerce involves a combination of technological advancements, regulatory changes, infrastructure improvements, and industry best practices. Here are some key areas and strategies to enhance truck commerce: Technological Advancements […] More

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    La pollution des océans

    Le problème de la pollution des océans représente une menace majeure pour la santé des écosystèmes marins et la sécurité alimentaire à l’échelle mondiale. Voici quelques éléments clés de cette […] More